- We reverence the God and Goddess as the representations of the Divine Reality that is at once immanent and transcendent in and throughout all of the infinite creation. We celebrate the manifestations of the Divine Reality through Rites of Seasons and Rites of Passage.
- We live in reverence and respect of the Natural world, recognizing the Sacred Cycles of ebb and flow, birth and death, creation and destruction. We acknowledge the sanctity and intrinsic worth of all life forms, and in dearth of cause, will never by word or deed willfully cause harm to befall any creature, manifest or unmanifest.
- We affirm as inalienable the Right of every individual “either alone, or in community with others, in public or in private, to manifest his or her religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observation.” (Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights). We recognize the responsibility of every individual for his or her own spiritual development and transformation, and that every individual is his or her own ultimate authority in all matters of spirit and religion.
- To the extent of available spiritual and material resources, we will: teach those who seek; aid those in need; comfort those who for reasons of religion, conscience, ethnicity, or sex suffer oppression; and resist tyranny in all forms.
- We live in peace and tolerance with all of humanity, neither converting to, nor seeking to convert those of other faiths and practices.
Declared this Day of Midsummer 1994 c.e. at Hainin, Belgium
After years of formal and informal study and practice of comparative religions, we, the founders of the Sacred Well Congregation concluded that mutually exclusive sectarianism practiced by established hierarchical religious groups and orders were detrimental to the human Spirit and irreverent to the Divine Reality that is both immanent and transcendent throughout the Universe. Since we hold and believe that it inheres within the Divine Soul of each human being to seek spiritual transformation and reunion with the Divine Reality, and since the existent sectarian faiths and practices fail to provide adequate means and moral guidance to those ends, it became incumbent upon us to form the Sacred Well Congregation during the One-thousand Nine-hundred and Ninety-fourth year of the Common Era.
The Sacred Well Congregation is not a new religion. It is a deliberate return to an older form of worship, faith, and practices that honor the Divine Reality that exists both within and without, and promotes individual spiritual growth and development.
The Sacred Well Congregation is unfettered and independent, and while it may conjoin with other groups, traditions, or religious bodies for certain Celebrations and Rites, it recognizes no religious authority, and owes no allegiance to any group, body, or organization beyond its autonomous membership.
The Sacred Well Congregation is non-Evangelical and non-Sectarian, and recognizes and acknowledges the validity of differing faiths and practices as separate pathways to the same ultimate end.
The Sacred Well Congregation is an Earth-based religion that venerates the Divine Reality in the observance and celebration of the mysteries of Nature.
The Sacred Well Congregation makes no claims to be a “revealed” religion, and therefore has no dogma, irrefutable written body of scripture, or infallible temporal authority. True worship is regarded as an inward rather than outward spiritual manifestation.
Therefore, The Sacred Well Congregation worships in public and in private, alone and in groups, under the canopy of Nature, or under artificial structure. The local congregation may consist of one person, or any number of persons affirming this Declaration. Membership in the local Congregation is informal and unbinding, requiring only the free and voluntary acceptance of the Five Tenets of The Sacred Well Congregation as a rule and guide for faith and practice. Stewardship of the local Congregation is exercised by a Cleric or Council of Clerics who together and individually bear fiscal and spiritual responsibility for the conduct of worship, Celebrations, and Rites, and administration of the Congregation. Clerics will be appointed by Proclamation of Ordination issued by the Council of Clerics in the name of the Congregation. Clerics will accept no compensation for religious or spiritual services rendered to the Congregation or members thereof. Members may petition for ordination after demonstration of knowledge and commitment to the precepts and spirit of the Tenets, and genuine desire to serve humanity. Clerics are expected to promote the Tenets by example and deed wherever they may be. They will observe the Rites of Seasons in solitude, or in group, and will provide, without binding fee, legal and social functions of Clergy according to custom to all who petition at times of birth, marriage, death, or spiritual crisis. Each Cleric is recognized as free and unencumbered, and may develop his or her own spiritual practice, in concert with, or apart from the Congregation by whom he or she was Ordained, and may choose to practice alone, or to form an independent congregation, be it on a synchronous or divergent path.
Declared this Day of Midsummer 1994 c.e. at Hainin, Belgium
- All Convocations of the Sacred Well Congregation of Texas shall be the exclusive domain of the Ordained Clerics of the Congregation.
- A Convocation shall be a gathering led one or more Clerics of the Congregation, in presence or in spirit, called or fortuitous, and shall be either a Convocation of Worship or a Convocation of Council.
- Convocations of Worship may convene at any time for the purpose of conducting worship. A Convocation of Worship may convene for public worship, Seasonal Rites, Rites of Kith and Kindred, and Rites of Passage; or may convene for private worship, Seasonal Rites, Rites of Passage, Rites of Kindred, Ordination, Healing, or any other spiritual or religious design.
- A Convocation of Worship may be convened at any time by an Ordained Deaconess or Deacon functioning as a Lay Minister under the auspices of an Ordained Cleric, in presence or in spirit, and may convene for any purpose set forth above except those required by law to be conducted by an Ordained Cleric.
- Convocations of Worship shall be either Public or Parochial as determined by the convening Officer or Officers.
- Convocations of Council, either in Body of Whole or Executive Council, shall be called and shall require the presence, proxy, or direct communication by any means of three or more Clerics. A Convocation of Council shall hear recommendations for Ordination of Deacons; petitions for training as Clerics; petitions for benevolence; petitions involving issues pertaining to infringement of Covenants, spiritual ethics, sacred trust; or other matters necessary for the pastoral care and spiritual well being of the Congregation.
- All Convocations of Council, Executive or Whole, shall be Privileged and Parochial, that is, they shall not be made public in form or in substance, and the Sanctity and Privilege of Convocations and Covenants shall not be violated in truth or in spirit.
- Covenants of The Sacred Well Congregation shall only issue from Convocations of the International Executive Council.
- All Covenants except those of Declaration of Intent and Practice, Tenets, Laws, and Membership, unless specified otherwise, shall be Privileged and Parochial.
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
- Clerics shall be diligent in conducting Rites of Season, Rites of Passage, Circle Rites, and Rites of Ceremony and Celebration.
- A Convocation, or Convocations in disparate locations, shall convene at the appointed days and times and places as the Council shall determine, and conduct the Cardinal Rites and the Ordinal Rites of Seasons.
- The Cardinal Rites shall be: the Rite of Midwinter; the Rite of Spring; the Rite of Midsummer; and the Rite of Autumn. The Cardinal Rites shall include Public and Kith and Kindred Observances.
- The Ordinal Rites shall be: the Rite of Awakening; the Rite of Exultation; the Rite of Thanksgiving; and the Rite of Remembrance; and the Rite of the Fallen Warriors. The Ordinal Rites shall be Privileged and circumscribed to Kindred, unless by specific decree of the Council of Clerics, a certain Rite shall be opened to the Kith, or the Kith and Public. In all cases shall the Rite of Remembrance be Privileged and circumscribed to Kindred.
- Rites of Passage are Rites performed for specific individuals on occasion of a personal Life Transition. Petition for Celebration of Rite of Passage will be received by any Cleric of this Congregation; any person, Kith or public may make petition orally or in writing. The petition shall be honored as near as possible according to the requests and desires of the petitioner concerning date, time, social custom and persons in attendance.
- Circle Rites shall be considered Council Rites and shall be Privileged and circumscribed to the Kindred, unless by specific decree of the Council of Clerics, invitation or invitations are extended to other persons, either Kith or public.
- Rites of Ceremony, such as Rites of Ordination, or Rites of Celebration for specific occasions shall be called as required, and shall be circumscribed or public, at the discretion of the Council of Clerics, but shall honor the wishes of the Celebrant if possible.
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
Approximate Dates (Gregorian) | Kith and Public Rites | Kindred Rites |
13-16 December | Rite of Midwinter Christmas St. John the Evangelist |
Mutternacht Yule Midwinter Mother Night Secret of the Unhewn Stone |
1-2 February | Rite of Awakening Candlemas St. Brigit |
Erweckung Imbolc Stirrings |
19-22 March | Rite of Spring Easter St. Edward |
Sommerzukunfts Ostara Vernal Equinox Summer Findings |
31 April-2 May | Rite of Exultation May Day St. Sophia |
Walpurgisnacht Beltane Lady Day |
19-23 June | Rite of Midsummer St. John the Baptist |
Sonnenwende Litha Midsummer |
30 July-2 August | Rite of Thanksgiving First Harvest St. Oswald |
Erntezeit Lughnassadh Lammas |
19-24 September | Rite of Autumn Harvest Home Michaelmas |
Winterzukunfts Mabon Autumnal Equinox Winter Findings |
31 October-2 November | Rite of Rememberance All Hallow’s All Saints Day |
Urahnennacht Samhain Ancestor Night |
11 November | Martinmas | Einherjahrfest Feast of the Fallen Warriors |
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
- The Sacred Well Congregation shall be organized into Local Congregations and titled Clans as defined by the usage of antiquity. That is, we are a number of kindred groups claiming common ancestry from the Old Ones, united by common interest, common cause, and common characteristics, in Perfect Trust and in Perfect Love.
- Every Clan within the Congregation, regardless of size, location, or leadership, shall be an Equal among Equals, and shall be, in fact and in deed, a Local Church as defined by common usage, and Article 4 of the Constitution of the Sacred Well Congregation. Yára Silmárilde, for purposes of Lineage and recognition by temporal authorities, powers and principalities, shall be designated the executive or Mother Clan, also known as the Main Congregation, and shall be presided over by the International Executive Council of Clerics of the Congregation; She shall cause Charters to issue to the several Clans to in the name of the Sacred Well Congregation. No dogma shall promulgate, nor shall the Main Congregation levy decrees save through Covenants issuing from the International Executive Council. The several Clans shall be fettered to the Main Congregation only by the Law of Love and the Five Tenets of the Sacred Well Congregation.
- Every Clan shall be led by one or more Ordained Clerics of the Sacred Well Congregation who shall be responsible for the Clan in all matters of Spirit and of Weal. Every Ordained Cleric shall have the right to request a Charter for a Clan to issue in the name of, and with Charge and Blessing from the Sacred Well Congregation. A Charter, once issued to an Ordained Cleric, shall be perpetual and immutable. The Charter may be passed by the receiving Cleric to another Cleric ordained by the Sacred Well Congregation with the Sanction of the International Executive Council, or may be returned to the Mother Clan. A Charter may be withdrawn by the Mother Clan only for reasons of deliberate violation of the Tenets or Covenants, and then only with the consent of a majority of the International Executive Council.
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
Amended in Convocation Yule, 1995, Converse, Texas
- The Council of Clerics, through the office of the International Executive Council, shall establish Provisional Congregations in areas in which an exigency exists and there is no Local Congregation (Clan) reasonably available to provide spiritual sustenance. Provisional Congregations shall be established by Proclamation of Warrant.
- For purposes of Lineage and Recognition by temporal authorities, powers and principalities, the International Executive Council of the Congregational Council of Clerics shall cause Warrants to issue by edict under the authority of the Sacred Well Congregation. The International Executive Council shall hear the petitions for Warrant, and grant such Warrants only to worthy and well qualified Ordained Clerics and Ordained Deacons of this Congregation to establish and lead a Provisional Congregation within a particular domain.
- The Provisional Congregation shall function as an extension of the Main Congregation under the auspices of the International Executive Council and shall at all times abide by the Tenets, Constitution, and By-Laws of the Sacred Well Congregation in spirit and in fact. The Provisional Congregation shall generally manage its own temporal affairs and provide for the spiritual needs of the community in which it is established to the fullest extent possible. Should the statutory need for an Ordained Cleric arise, and there be none available within the Provisional Congregation, upon advisement, the Council of Clerics shall dispatch an Ordained Cleric to the Provisional Congregation to provide the required services.
- The Warranted officer of the Provisional Congregation shall forward a report of activity to the Council of Clerics following each of the Cardinal High Holy Days. The report shall cite the dates, times, venues, and number of persons in attendance at all religious functions conducted by the Provisional Congregation, plus any offerings or contributions in support of the Sacred Well Congregation, and any other information the Warranted officer deems relevant.
- The Warrant shall remain in force for a fixed period of time, or indefinitely at the discretion of the Council, until said warrant is surrendered by the Warranted officer, revoked by the Council, or superseded by a Charter.
In Convocation, Beltane, 1995, Hainin, Belgium
- The Council of Clerics, through the office of the International Executive Council, shall establish Open Circles of the Sacred Well Congregation (SWC) in areas in which an exigency exists and there is no Local Congregation (Clan) or Provisional Congregation reasonably available to provide spiritual sustenance. Open Circles (SWC) shall be established by Certification of Denominational Support issued by Executive Order.
- For purposes of Lineage and Recognition by temporal authorities, powers and principalities, the International Executive Council of the Congregational Council of Clerics shall cause such Certificates to issue by edict under the authority of the Sacred Well Congregation. The International Executive Council grant such Certificates only to worthy and well qualified Ordained Clerics, Ordained Deacons and Congregational Emissaries of this Congregation to establish and lead an Open Circle within a particular domain.
- The Open Circle shall function as an extension of the Main Congregation under the auspices of the International Executive Council and shall at all times abide by the Tenets, Constitution, and By-Laws of the Sacred Well Congregation in spirit and in fact. The Open Circle shall generally manage its own temporal affairs and provide for the spiritual needs of the community in which it is established to the fullest extent possible. Should the statutory need for an Ordained Cleric arise, and there be none available within the Open Circle, upon advisement, the Council of Clerics shall dispatch an Ordained Cleric to the Provisional Congregation to provide the required services.
- The Certificate holder of the Open Circle shall forward a report of activity to the Council of Clerics following each of the Cardinal High Holy Days. The report shall cite the dates, times, venues, and number of persons in attendance at all religious functions conducted by the Open Circle, plus any offerings or contributions in support of the Sacred Well Congregation, and any other information the Certificate Holder deems relevant.
- The Certificate shall remain in force for a fixed period of time, or indefinitely at the discretion of the Council, until said Certificate is surrendered by the Certificate Holder, revoked by the Council, or superseded by a Warrant or Charter.
In Convocation, Yule, 1996, Converse, Texas
- The Council of Clerics, through the office of the International Executive Council, shall establish Affiliated Study Groups of the Sacred Well Congregation (SWC) in areas in which an exigency exists and there is no Local Congregation (Clan), Provisional Congregation, or Open Circle reasonably available to provide spiritual sustenance. Affiliated Study Groups (SWC) shall be established by Certification of Denominational Support issued by Executive Order.
- For purposes of Lineage and Recognition by temporal authorities, powers and principalities, the International Executive Council of the Congregational Council of Clerics shall cause such Certificates to issue by edict under the authority of the Sacred Well Congregation. The International Executive Council grant such Certificates only to worthy and well qualified Ordained Clerics, Ordained Deacons and Congregational Emissaries of this Congregation to establish and lead an Affiliated Study Group (SWC) within a particular domain.
- The Affiliated Study Group shall function as an extension of the Main Congregation under the auspices of the International Executive Council and shall at all times abide by the Tenets, Constitution, and By-Laws of the Sacred Well Congregation in spirit and in fact. The Affiliated Study Group shall generally manage its own temporal affairs. The Affiliated Study Group will be assigned a Preceptor from the IEC who will provide support, advice and assistance directly to the Group. While the Preceptor will not mandate prescribed curricula, it is assumed that the Group Leader and most or all of the Study Group will be engaged in the study of Traditional Craft Wicca and closely related subjects.
- The Certificate holder of the Affiliated Study Group shall forward a report of activity to the Council of Clerics following each of the Cardinal High Holy Days. The report shall cite the dates, times, venues, and number of persons in attendance at all religious functions conducted by the Affiliated Study Group, plus any offerings or contributions in support of the Sacred Well Congregation, and any other information the Certificate Holder deems relevant.
- The Certificate shall remain in force for a fixed period, or indefinitely at the discretion of the Council, until said Certificate is surrendered by the Certificate Holder, revoked by the Council, or superseded by a Warrant or Charter.
In Convocation, Beltane, 2000, Hulst, Netherlands
- Kith shall be regarded as all persons affiliated by General Membership with The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas, regardless of place of citizenship, residence or abode. Public shall be defined as any person not affiliated by General Membership with this Congregation.
- Kindred shall be regarded as the Ordained Clerics, Clerics-in-training, and the Ordained Deaconry and Candidates for the Deaconry of the Sacred Well Congregation.
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
Adapted from the Temple of Danann
- Love is the Law, and Love is the Bond.
- Honor, Love, and Trust are the Sacred Virtues of the Wise, within the Circle and without.
- Whatever action you take will return to you three fold.
- So it harm none, live according to Will.
- The Wise shall revere each living thing, for all life is Sacred.
- The Wise shall give due reverence to the Old Ones and obey their Will.
- The Wise shall observe the Sacred Days in Holy Rite.
- The Sacred Knowledge may not be revealed to the unworthy.
- None may enter the Circle without purification, and then only with the sanction of the presiding Priestess and Priest.
- All due respect shall be given to the Priest and Priestess who serve as representatives of the Old Ones.
- As the Wise are to the Old Ones, so shall be their Sacredness.
- All are equal within and without the Circle according to ability and knowledge.
- Judge not the path of Brother or Sister, for all Paths are Sacred.
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
- General
- The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas shall, as required for the furtherance of her ministry and secular affairs, appoint worthy and well qualified persons as Congregational Emissaries. Congregational Emissaries are appointed for specific periods of time and for specific purposes and serve at the pleasure of the International Executive Council (IEC). Congregational Emissaries may be appointed to lead Open Circles, represent the Congregation to a specific agency or event, or for any other purpose deemed necessary by the IEC. Any member of The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas, or any other person deemed qualified, may be appointed as a Congregational Emissary. Emissary Appointments will be tendered judiciously and will customarily be reserved for Deaconry Candidates-in-Training.
- Procedures, Conditions and Terms
- Emissary Appointments shall be tendered by the IEC only. If accepted by the person to whom the appointment is tendered, the person shall at all times act in the best interests of the Sacred Well Congregation, and shall adhere to her principles, Tenets, Constitution and By-Laws.
- The Congregational Emissary shall report to the IEC as required during the tenure of the appointment, and shall advise that body immediately upon any problem or difficulty encountered while acting as an Emissary of this Congregation.
- The Emissary Appointment shall expire on the date cited on the Certificate of Appointment, unless withdrawn earlier by action of the IEC. The Emissary shall remain a Supporting Member of the Congregation for the duration of the appointment.
In Convocation, Yule, 1999, Converse, Texas
- General
- The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas shall ordain Deacons to assist in the management of its secular business and to assist the Clergy in furtherance of its spiritual and religious purposes. Any member of The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas, or any future Local Congregation or Provisional Congregation sponsored by, or affiliated therewith, but geographically removed from the main Congregation, and having been found qualified, upon the recommendation of the Board of Deacons, may be asked to serve this Congregation as an Ordained Deacon. All Deacons shall be Ordained only under the authority and by order of the International Executive Council of Clerics. Deacons shall be either Statutory Deacons recommended by the Board of Deacons, or Congregational Steward Deacons recommended by an Ordained Cleric of a Local Congregation or a Provisional Congregation. Statutory Deacons are those required by law to act as the Board of Trustees for the Congregation. Statutory Deacons are appointed for two year terms and serve at the pleasure of the International Executive Council. Congregational Steward Deacons are appointed and ordained to assist the Clergy in furtherance of the spiritual and religious purposes of this Congregation.
- All Ordained Deacons are considered Lay Ministers and may conduct public and private religious rites, or lead a Provisional Congregation, under the supervision and guidance of an Ordained Cleric. Ordination into the Deaconry will be in tenure unless appointed for a specified period in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Congregation and determined by the International Executive Council. A Deacon or Deaconess may resign of his or her own volition, or may be removed from the Deaconry at any time for Cause as determined by the International Executive Council.
- Procedures
- Statutory Deacons: The Permanent Executive Committee of the Board of Deacons shall submit to the Council of Clerics its recommendation to (ordain a member as a Deacon) Appoint an Ordained Deacon or Cleric to serve as Statutory Deacon on the Board of Deacons. In its recommendation, the Board of Deacons shall affirm that the candidate for ordination, having attained the minimum age of 21 years, is qualified and of good report, and that the candidate affirms the spirit of the Declaration of Intent and Practice and professes support of the Tenets of The Sacred Well Congregation and its Constitution and By-Laws, and support of all current and future Covenants lawfully adopted by the Council of Clerics. The Council of Clerics, in closed council, will evaluate the recommendation, and duly advise the Board of Deacons. Should the evaluation be unfavorable, the Board of Deacons shall withdraw the recommendation. Should the candidate be found worthy and well qualified, the Board of Deacons shall present the candidate to the Council of Clerics for the Rite of Ordination.
- Congregational Steward Deacons. Any Supporting Member of the Sacred Well Congregation may petition in writing for Ordination into the Deaconry for the expressed purpose of establishing a Provisional Congregation in any area wherein the need is manifest, or in assisting the leading Deaconry of an established Provisional Congregation, or into the Deaconry-at-Large. In the Application the candidate shall declare that he or she is of lawful age, well qualified and of good report; further that he or she affirms the spirit of the Declaration of Intent and Practice and professes support of the Tenets of The Sacred Well Congregation and its Constitution and By-Laws, and support of all current and future Covenants lawfully adopted by the Council of Clerics. The application shall be in writing and in such format as prescribed by the IEC. The Application may be submitted directly to the International Executive Council, or to any Ordained Cleric of this Congregation who will forward it, together with his or her recommendation, to the International Executive Council for further consideration. Any Ordained Cleric may recommend to the International Executive Council any Supporting Member of the Congregation for ordination as a Deacon or Deaconess. In the recommendation, the Ordained Cleric shall affirm that the candidate for ordination, having attained the minimum age of 21 years, is qualified and of good report, and that the candidate affirms the spirit of the Declaration of Intent and Practice and professes support of the Tenets of The Sacred Well Congregation and its Constitution and By-Laws, and support of all current and future Covenants lawfully adopted by the Council of Clerics, and shall assume full responsibility for the supervision of the Deacon or Deaconess upon Ordination. Upon acceptance the nominee will be required to successfully complete the Deaconry Training Course, either by extension or in residence, and declared a Candidate for the Deaconry. Should the Candidate be found worthy and well qualified, any two members of the International Executive Council, upon the advisement of the other members of the International Executive Council, may Ordain such Deacons and Deaconesses as required to further the religious and spiritual activities of the Congregation. The Ordination will be confirmed or withdrawn by two-thirds majority vote at the next Annual Convocation of the International Executive Council.
- Terms, Service and Communication
- The Deaconry shall be appointed in tenure, unless otherwise specified in the Ordination Proclamation, and shall remain in voluntary compliance with the Constitution, By-Laws, Tenets and Covenants of the Sacred Well Congregation. Every Congregational Steward Deacon or Deaconess shall communicate with the International Executive Council of Clerics as necessary, but no less frequently than once per Quarter not later than 28 days following each Cardinal Festival. Every Deacon or Deaconess shall make every effort to attend the Annual Convocation of Deaconry as convened by the International Executive Council of Clerics (IEC). In the event that a Deacon or Deaconess cannot attend the Annual Convocation, he or she shall communicate in writing with the IEC. The Communication shall be in format or medium specified by the IEC, and at a minimum the communication shall contain a synopsis of activity of the previous period and declaration of intent for the coming Ritual Year. Failure to remain in compliance with the Constitution, By-Laws, Tenets and Covenants of the Sacred Well Congregation or to meet the communication requirement shall be cause for removal from the Deaconry.
- Any Deacon or Deaconess may voluntarily resign that status, without prejudice, by submitting a written notification to the IEC.
- Any Deacon or Deaconess may be suspended for cause by an edict issued by two or more members of the IEC. A Deacon or Deaconess so suspended will immediately cease and desist any representation of the Sacred Well Congregation until the case is heard by the full IEC in Convocation. The Deacon or Deaconess shall have the opportunity to refute or rebut the suspension before the IEC. Final resolution of the case shall be made in closed Convocation at which time one of the following actions shall issue from the Council:
- The suspension shall be declared valid, and the Deacon or Deaconess shall be permanently removed from status;
- The suspension shall be declared valid, and the Deacon or Deaconess shall be admonished, and the suspension shall hold for one year and one day, or for such period as determined by the Council;
- The suspension shall be declared valid, and the Deacon or Deaconess shall be censured, returned to status and placed on probation for one year and one day, or for such period as determined by the Council;
- The suspension shall be declared invalid, and the Deacon or Deaconess shall be returned to status without prejudice.
- Any Deacon or Deaconess removed from active status, either by voluntary resignation, or removal for cause, may within one year from the date of termination, make application for reinstatement to good standing with this Congregation. The application will follow guidelines set forth by the Council and must be in writing and must provide adequate justification for reinstatement. The request will be considered at the next Annual Convocation of the IEC, and the decision of that body shall be final.
- Ordination
- Upon presentation by the Board of Deacons, or the advisement of two consenting members of the International Executive Council, the Council of Clerics will by Rite of Ordination, ordain and appoint the candidate as a Deacon or Deaconess of The Sacred Well Congregation, and Issue a Proclamation of Ordination and Letter of Charge in testimony thereof. Upon Ordination, the Deacon or Deaconess may be appointed to the Board of Deacons, lead a Provisional Congregation as a Lay Minister, or may serve this Congregation in any lawful manner to further the precepts, principles and ministries of The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas. The Ordination shall remain active so long as the Deacon or Deaconess remains a member in good standing at the Supporting Member level. Failure to maintain membership standing may result in change of status to the inactive list, at the discretion of the IEC.
- Transition of Deaconry to Clergy
- The IEC has recognized the necessity for Ordained Clergy to serve in areas geographically separated from existing Chartered Congregations. While it is most preferable for candidates for the Clergy to be in personal and frequent contact with their designated mentor, the geographic expanse of our Praefect Congregation will make this unfeasible. Therefore the IEC has adopted exigent measures for transition from Congregational Steward Deacon to Ordained Clergy to serve in areas not under the direct charge of Chartered Congregations.
- Any Congregational Steward Deacon or Deaconess who has faithfully served as leader, co-leader, or on the Council of a Provisional Congregation for a period of three years and has successfully completed a prescribed course of Distance Theological Instruction under the mentorship of an Ordained Cleric may apply for Ordination as a Cleric Priestess or Cleric Priest of this Congregation. This service, together with the program of instruction shall satisfy the Apprenticeship and Internship required by the Covenant of Ordination. The IEC shall review the request and upon favorable determination, shall declare the provisions of the Covenant of Ordination of Clergy to be satisfied. The IEC shall then authorize and effect the Provisional Ordination of the applicant in accordance with the provisions of the Covenant of Ordination of Clergy, Section IV.
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
Amended In Convocation Midsummer, 1998, Hulst, Netherlands
- General
- Any supporting member who has met the requirements for and been Ordained into the Deaconry of The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas, and who, having attained the minimum age of 21 years and a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution of higher learning, or its equivalent background and life experience, may become eligible to be Ordained as a Minister by and in the name of The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas, regardless of sex, ethnicity, social or economic background, adverse life experience, or physical impairments. Due to the uniqueness in form and style of worship, the Clergy of The Sacred Well Congregation are conferred the title of Cleric Priest or Cleric Priestess. For convention and legal purposes, the Cleric may or may not use the title of Reverend, at the discretion of the individual Cleric. Ordained Ministers of the Sacred Well Congregation of Texas are duly recognized Clergy under statute, Common Law and Spiritual Obligations, and will function with the same responsibilities, rights and privileges of the Clergy of any other lawfully constituted church, denomination, faith, sect, or religious order. That is, they shall conduct religious worship ceremonies; engage in religious education; perform Rites of Passage consistent with social custom at times of birth, maturity, marriage, and death; provide religious counseling; and render such help and assistance to the congregation and community as they are able to provide in time of sickness and distress. Ministers of the Sacred Well Congregation will be ordained only by the authority and proclamation of the International Executive Council of the Council of Clerics. Local and Provisional Congregations may not ordain ministers independently of the International Executive Committee.
- Procedures
- Application:
Any eligible Deacon or Deaconess of The Sacred Well Congregation may apply in writing to the International Executive Council of the Council of Clerics of The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas, or to the local Council of Clerics of any future local body organized by and under the sponsorship of, but geographically removed from the main Congregation of the Sacred Well Congregation of Texas. Should the application be submitted to a local Cleric or Council of Clerics, the application will be forwarded as written to the International Executive Council with a recommendation for favorable or unfavorable consideration attached by the local Cleric or Local Council. The application may be accepted at any time, but will be considered for action only at the Annual Convocation of the Council, except in exigent circumstances as determined by the International Executive Council. The application shall be in such format as prescribed by the IEC. The application will, as a minimum, include an affirmation of the spirit of the Declaration of Intent and Practice and profess support of the Tenets of The Sacred Well Congregation and its Constitution and By-Laws, and support of all current and future Covenants lawfully adopted by the Council of Clerics; a brief, personal biographic and experiential narrative; and a concise statement of the applicant’s reasons for and factors contributing to the decision to become a Cleric of the Sacred Well Congregation. The International Executive Council of the Council of Clerics, in closed council, will evaluate the application and the applicant based on the moral character and maturity of the applicant, sincerity of the applicant, and content of the narrative. The applicant shall personally appear before the International Executive Council of the Council, or a committee appointed therefrom, for the purpose of oral examination and resolution of any issues held by either the Council or the applicant. Acceptance of the applicant requires the unanimous affirmation of the Council by secret ballot. The applicant shall, as soon as possible, be informed of the decision of the Council. The notification of acceptance or declination shall be in writing duly delivered to the applicant either by the person of a Cleric of the Council or by the US Postal service, or the postal service providing mail delivery to the country or area in which the applicant maintains residence. There shall be no charge or fee for the application, nor will the applicant, if accepted, receive any salary or personal compensation during training or after Ordination. - Apprenticeship:
After the applicant has been accepted by the Council and declared a Cleric Candidate, he or she will be assigned a Cleric Mentor, based on the availability, suitability, and compatibility of the apprentice and the mentor. The apprentice will receive an intensive program of instruction from the mentor, and will in addition be required to complete a course of independent religious study and training approved by the Council. The apprentice must demonstrate mastery of the material to the satisfaction of the mentor and the Council. Successful completion will require self-discipline, diligence, and motivation on the part of the apprentice, and will usually require a minimum of one year and one day to complete. - Internship:
After successful completion of the Apprenticeship, the Candidate will be advanced to Internship, and may retain the same Cleric Mentor, or be assigned another, by mandate of the Council. During the internship the Candidate will be required to conduct the full cycle of public Rites of Seasons according to custom of the Congregation. The candidate will also continue in advanced studies of the duties and responsibilities of the clergy, and must demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the mentor and the Council. The internship will require a minimum of one year and one day to complete. Upon satisfactory completion of this phase, the Intern will be declared an Eligible Cleric Candidate. - Provisionary:
Any time after successful completion of the Internship, the Candidate may request Ordination as a Provisional Cleric under the supervision of the Council. Upon favorable determination of the request, the Candidate shall be ordained as a Provisional Cleric. During this period, the Provisional Cleric will function and fulfill all duties and responsibilities and enjoy the rights and privileges of the clergy, to include those requiring legal mandate or authority of the civil jurisdiction under which the Provisional Cleric is residing. The Provisionary period is one year and one day, without waiver. Upon successful completion of the Provisionary period, and competency demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Council, the Candidate will be declared an Eligible Cleric, and may anytime thereafter petition for the Rite of Ordination.
- Application:
- Conditions, Terms of Service and Communication
- The Clergy shall be appointed in tenure, and shall remain in voluntary compliance with the Constitution, By-Laws, Tenets and Covenants of the Sacred Well Congregation. Every Ordained Cleric Priestess or Cleric Priest shall communicate with the International Executive Council of Clerics as necessary, but no less frequently four times per Ritual Year not later than twenty-eight days following each Cardinal Festival. Every Ordained Cleric shall make every effort to attend the Annual Convocation of Clerics as convened by the International Executive Council of Clerics (IEC). In the event that an Ordained Cleric cannot attend the Annual Convocation, he or she shall communicate in writing with the IEC. The Communication shall be in a format specified by the IEC, and at a minimum the Communication shall contain a synopsis of activity of the previous period and declaration of intent for the coming Ritual Year. Failure to remain in compliance with the Constitution, By-Laws, Tenets and Covenants of the Sacred Well Congregation, or failure to meet the communication requirement shall be cause for removal from the Clergy.
- Any Cleric may voluntarily resign that status, without prejudice, by submitting a written notification to the IEC.
- Any Cleric may be suspended for cause by an edict issued by two or more members of the IEC. Clerics so suspended will immediately cease and desist any representation of the Sacred Well Congregation until the case is heard by the full IEC in Convocation. The Cleric shall have the opportunity to refute or rebut the suspension before the IEC. Final resolution of the case shall be made in closed Convocation at which time one of the following actions shall issue from the Council:
- The suspension shall be declared valid, and the Cleric shall be permanently removed from status;
- The suspension shall be declared valid, and the Cleric shall be admonished, and the suspension shall hold for one year and one day, or for such period as determined by the Council;
- The suspension shall be declared valid, and the Cleric shall be censured, returned to status and placed on probation for one year and one day, or for such period as determined by the Council;
- The suspension shall be declared invalid, and the Cleric shall be returned to status without prejudice.
- Clerics removed from active status, either by voluntary resignation, or removal for cause, may within one year from the date of termination, make application for reinstatement to good standing with this Congregation. The application will follow guidelines set forth by the Council and must be in writing and must provide adequate justification for reinstatement. The request will be considered at the next Annual Convocation of the IEC, and the decision of that body shall be final.
- Ordination
- Upon petition in writing by an Eligible Cleric Candidate, the International Executive Council of the Council of Clerics will vote by secret ballot upon the petition of the Candidate. Upon unanimous decision by the International Executive Council, a Proclamation of Provisional Ordination will issue to the Candidate, and the Candidate will be considered Ordained in token, and shall remain a Provisional Cleric until the provisional period of one year and one day shall be satisfied, and the Rite of Ordination be conferred. The Rite of Ordination shall be conferred by two or more Ordained Clerics, at least one of which must be a member of the International Executive Council. The Rite of Ordination can ensue either during or after the provisional period, at the discretion of the International Executive Council. Upon Conferral of the Rite of Ordination, The Sacred Well Congregation shall issue a Proclamation of Ordination and Letter of Charge in testimony thereof. Upon receiving the Rite of Ordination, the Cleric is spiritually and legally recognized as Clergy with full parity of the clergy of any other legally organized and recognized religion, faith, denomination, sect, or order. The Cleric may then petition for a Charter to establish a Local Congregation or a Warrant to establish a Provisional Congregation, geographically separated from the Main Congregation, but under the agency and sponsorship of The Sacred Well Congregation of Texas. Clerics who leave the Congregation, or fail to maintain membership in good standing at the Supporting Member level will be placed on inactive status without prejudice.
In Convocation, Yule, 1994, Hainin, Belgium
Amended In Convocation Midsummer, 1998, Hulst, Netherlands
The International Executive Council (IEC) shall establish and elect an Advisory Board (AB) to assist and advise that body in the governance of the Congregation and in the furtherance of Her ministries, initiatives and activities. This Board shall be known as the International Executive Council Advisory Board (IECAB) of the Sacred Well Congregation, and will serve at the direction and discretion of the IEC. The IECAB shall be constituted of eight members drawn from the Congregation’s Deaconry and Clergy in good standing and shall be representative of the demographics of the Congregation. Board Members shall serve terms of two years with no term limits; vacancies will be filled by the IEC.
The IECAB shall counsel, advise and assist the IEC in its several functions, and shall constitute the representation and advocacy of the Congregation at-large to the IEC. Board Members shall act individually and collectively in an advisory and executive capacity to the IEC. The IEC shall appoint an interim Chair of this Board until the first full term of the Board is completed, at which time the Board will elect its own chair. The Secretary of the Board of Deacons of the Sacred Well Congregation shall be the permanent, non-voting Recorder of the IECAB. The Board members shall be in regular communication with each other and with the IEC. The IECAB shall formally convene by any practicable means at least two but no more than four weeks prior to each Convocation of the IEC. A report of this convening shall be presented to the IEC for consideration at its subsequent Convocation. All business and functions of the IECAB shall be carried out with good order and discipline, conforming to the Tenets, Constitution and By-Laws of this Congregation and in the spirit of Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.
In Convocation, Midsummer, 2003, Marcourt, Belgium
All Congregational Officers holding official certification and sponsorship from the Sacred Well Congregation will adhere to the following Protocols. Officers failing to comply with any of these Protocols are subject to relegation to the Inactive Officer Roster or having certification withdrawn or revoked at the discretion of the IEC.
- Officers of the Sacred Well Congregation are defined as Clerics, Deacons, and Emissaries of the Congregation who have been issued Certificates of Appointment from or approved by the IEC.
- All Officers of the Congregation must maintain a current annual membership in good standing at the Supporting Member level or above.
- All Officers of the Congregation must maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, and represent the Congregation with personal integrity and in accordance with the Constitution, By-Laws and Covenants of the Congregation.
- All Officers will file timely reports as directed by the IEC. Officers actively participating in sponsored groups will be included in the Group periodic report. Officers not participating in sponsored groups will file At-Large reports.
In Convocation, Midsummer, 2003, Marcourt, Belgium
All groups, military or civilian, deriving official sponsorship and support from the Sacred Well Congregation will adhere to the following Protocols. Groups disregarding violating any of these Protocols are subject to having sponsorship and support immediately withdrawn at the discretion of the IEC.
- All Group Leaders must be Congregational Officers in good standing.
- All Group Leaders will be responsible for all secular business and requirements specific to their own groups.
- All Group Leaders will be familiar with the principles of the Greencraft Tradition of Wicca.
- All Sacred Well Congregation sponsored groups will function with an emphasis within the broad parameters of Traditional Craft Wicca.
- All Sacred Well Congregation sponsored groups will append the (SWC) designation to their respective names.
- All events conducted by Sacred Well Congregation sponsored groups shall be open events.
- Group Leaders will file timely reports as directed by the IEC.
- Transfer of leadership of any sponsored group will be coordinated through and approved by the IEC. For military groups, this authority is delegated to the Director of Military Affairs with the concurrence of the IEC. For civilian groups this authority is granted to the Director of Community Affairs with the concurrence of the IEC.
In Convocation, Midsummer, 2003 Marcourt, Belgium
The International Executive Council (IEC) shall establish the office of Congregational Chaplaincy and shall appoint such Ordained Clergy to that office who are qualified to serve in the capacity of Congregational Chaplain.
Congregational Chaplains shall serve at the pleasure of the IEC.
The role of the Congregational Chaplain shall be similar to the role of any institutional or organizational chaplain in an interfaith, pluralistic environment, that is, to provide spiritual guidance, support, condolence, pastoral care and comfort and such other assistance as appropriate to members and friends of the Congregation, the larger faith community, and the community at-Large in times of need and distress.
Qualifications for appointment to this office, as a minimum, shall be:
- Ordained as Clergy by the Sacred Well Congregation.
- Master’s Degree or above from an institution of higher learning listed in the current American Council of Education (ACE) Accredited Institutions of Post- Secondary Education and with a substantial concentration of religious studies and a compatible field such as education, psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology or other similarly related discipline.
- At least one year of field experience as an organizational, institutional or military chaplain, or two years functional experience in a similar capacity under the direct supervision of the IEC.
Nothing in this Covenant shall preclude a Congregational Chaplain from serving concurrently as a chaplain in another organization, institution or military service.
In Convocation Beltane, 2007, Merkenveld, Belgium